Major abbreviations for linear transportation between ports:
- FICY – Free in/Container yard (no loading at the port - up to a container terminal);
- FILO – Free in/Liner out (loading paid by the sender, unloading paid by the line);
- FIOS / FIFO – Free in/out (loading and unloading paid by the sender);
- LI-Door – Liner in / Door (loading at the port paid by the line - the "door" paid by the client).
- LIFO – Liner in/Free out (loading paid by the line, unloading paid by the sender);
- LILO – Liner in/out (loading and unloading paid by the line - full linear conditions);
- FCL - Full Container Load - full container load by one consignor to one consignee;
- LCL - Less Container Loading - loading by one sender with its subsequent delivery to various recipients, general cargo.
- LI - Last In - forwarder provides the following services, which cost is included in the freight rate: removal of the container of the vehicle (car, train), accommodation at the terminal (CY), loading to a ship.
- LO - Last Out - forwarder provides the following services, which cost is included in the freight rate: unloading from the ship, placing the terminal (CY), loading of the vehicle (car, train).
Adjustments to the rate of a specific line or port:
- BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) –indexed changes in fuel prices;
- BFR – marine freight
- CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) – exchange rate fluctuations;
- CUC (Chassis Using Charge) – fee for use of the chassis;
- Documentation Fee – fee for the registration of documents;
- PSS Peak Season Surcharge – in summer-autumn period is introduced PSS due to the increasing volume of freights;
- WNS Winter Surcharge – surcharge for wiring in the ice freezing ports (for example, Saint-Petersburg) - is introduced, as a rule, from 1. December to 31. March, etc.
- Wharfage – port fees
- ALL IN - All Inclusive - means that the cost of carriage includes all additional fees, provided by the conditions of carriage;
- BAS Base Rate – main, base rate;
- CUC (Chassis Using Charge) – chassis using charge;
- DDF Documentation Fee - Destination - fee for paperwork and other in the port of destination;
- DOCS (documentation) - fee for the registration of documents;
- EMF Equipment Management Fee – equipment management fee;
- ERS Emergency Risk Surcharge – emergency risk surcharge;
- IHE Export Inland Rate – export inland rate;
- ISPS - fee for the security in the port;
- ODF Documentation Fee - Origin - fee for paperwork and other in the country of origin;
- OHC Handling Charge - Origin - the costs of unloading at the port of origin;
- ORC - Origin receiving charges - the official fee of the province in China.
- OTA Transport Arbitrary - Origin - incidental travel expenses at the port of origin;
- PAE Port Additionals / Port Dues - Export - additional export duties in port;
- PSI Port Security Charge - Import - security costs at the port for import;
- SER Carrier Security Charge - security costs of cargo while in transit;
- BL -Bill of Lading – bill of lading;
- CC - Customs Clearance - Customs procedure for export or import goods;
- CFS - Container Freight Station – consolidation warehouse;
- CGO – Cargo – cargo;
- CNEE – Consignee - the person who receives the cargo at the destination;
- CNTR – Container - standard-size container;
- COC (Сarrier's Оwned Container) - container is owned by the carrier, the cost of container is included in the charter;
- CY- Container Yard – container yard;
- DC - Dry Container – dry container – type of the container;
- DIM – Dimentions – dimentions;
- DHC Handling Charge - Destination – the costs of unloading at the port of destination;
- DTA Transport Arbitrary - Destination - incidental travel expenses at the port of destination;
- ETD (Estimated Time of Departure) – estimated time of departure;
- ETA (Estimeted Time of Arrival) – estimated time of arrival;
- EX1 - Export Declaration – export declaration.
- HBL - House Bill of Lading – house bill of lading (for “from door to door” transportation).
- INV. - Commercial Invoice - Account created by the seller and is used to specify the value of goods for various purposes.
- LT - Local Time – local time.
- Manifest - A document describing all the cargo of the ship.
- MBL - Master Bill of Lading – master bill of lading.
- MV - Mother Vessel - Linear large-vessel, serving the ports with a large turnover.
- NVOCC - The carrier, which owns a certain amount of cargo space on the ship, which he does not own or control, has the right edition of Board Bill of Lading.
- OBL - Ocean Bill of Lading – ocean bill of lading.
- PACK - Packing List – packing list.
- POL (Port of Loading) – port of loading;
- POD (Port of Delivery) – port of destination;
- SEA (seafreight), O/F(oceanfreight) – marine freight;
- SOC (Shipper's Owned Container) – container is owned by the client;
- T/T - Transit Time – transit time of the transportation.
- TEU - Twentyfeets Equivslent Unit - The equivalent of twenty-foot container.
- THC (Terminal Handling Charges) - terminal handling cargo: loading / unloading from a ship, moving in the stack, nomination for production work, etc.
The regulations came into force on January 1, 2011.
Incoterms 2010 – it is the international law recognized by government agencies, law firms and traders around the world as the most appropriate in the interpretation of international trade terms.
The scope of Incoterms 2010 apply to the rights and obligations of the parties under the contract of sale of goods delivery (terms of delivery of goods).
Each term of Incoterms 2010 is an acronym of three letters.
Here is a list of Incoterms 2010 terms and the necessary comments to them.
E category. Carriage
any modes of transport
Free Carrier (... named place)
F category. Main carriage not paid by seller
any modes of transport
Free Carrier at (... named place)
marine and inland water carriage
Free Alongside Ship (... named port of shipment)
marine and inland water carriage
Free on Board (... named port of shipment)
C category. Main carriage paid by the seller
marine and inland water carriage
Cost and Freight (... named port of destination)
marine and inland water carriage
Cost, Insurance and Freight (... named port of destination)
any modes of transport
Freight / Carriage and Insurance Paid To (... named place of destination)
any modes of transport
Freight / Carriage Paid To (... named place of destination)
D category. Delivery
new! DAT
any modes of transport
Delivery at the Terminal (terminal name ...)
new! DAP
any modes of transport
Delivery at the Place (... named place)
DDP Delivered Duty Paid (... named place of destination)
Excluded from the Incoterms 2010 DDU
any modes of transport
Delivered Duty Unpaid (... named place of destination)
Excluded from the Incoterms 2010 DAF
any modes of transport
Delivered At Frontier (... named delivery place)
Excluded from the Incoterms 2010 DEQ
any modes of transport
Delivered Ex Quay (... named port of destination)
Excluded from the Incoterms 2010 DES
any modes of transport
Delivered Ex Ship (... named port of destination)
1 class |
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1 class of dangerous goods – explosive materials with properties that may explode and cause fire with explosive action, and devices containing explosives and explosive materials, intended to produce a pyrotechnic effect. |
2 class |
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2 class of dangerous goods – Compressed gases, liquefied, cooled and dissolved under pressure, meet at least one of the following conditions. |
3 class |
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3 class of dangerous goods – flammable liquids, mixtures of liquids and liquids containing solids in solution or suspension, which emit flammable vapors having a flash point in closed crucible 6 ° C and below. |
4 class |
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4 class of dangerous goods – flammable substances and materials (except those classified as explosives), which during transportation is easily lit from an external source of ignition through friction, absorption of moisture, spontaneous chemical reactions, as well as heating. |
5 class |
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5 class of dangerous goods – Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides, which can easily release oxygen to support combustion and may, in appropriate circumstances in a mixture with other substances, cause ignition and explosion. |
6 class |
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6 class of dangerous goods – poisonous and infectious substances which can cause death, disease or poisoning if swallowed or in contact with skin and mucous membranes. |
7 class |
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7 class of dangerous goods – radioactive material with a specific activity of 70 kBq / kg (2 nCi / g). |
8 class |
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8 class of dangerous goods – caustic and corrosive substances that cause damage to the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract, metal corrosion and damage to vehicles, buildings or goods, and can cause fire in contact with organic materials or certain chemicals. |
9 class |
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9 class of dangerous goods – substances with relatively low risks in the transportation referred to any of the previous classes, but which require the application to them of certain rules for the transport and storage. |